Saturday 25 August 2012

Had an awesome day painting today - one of those days when things just all seem to come together. Finished one very small artwork from Mindy Lacefields elearning course which I've thoroughly enjoyed and did my backgrounds
Have been absent for a couple of weeks due to a silly accident which has both prevented me from doing lots of things I love and have to do but at the same time has given me a huge appreciation of the many many people around the world who suffer pain and can find no relief. I will get better, it will just take time and patience which is not something I have normally in abundance, so perhaps I will have to learn this also.

No painting been done as I'm unable to sit for long in any position without pain - I miss this much more than I ever thought I would - however, I've now been able  to catch up with lots of teaching videos I've stacked up ready to view when spare time came around. Well, its here now and I can hold a sketchbook  and pencils so this is precious time I'm using wisely.

Weather here is beginning to warm up which is good though I'm sure there are lots of cooler days still to come around - enjoyable while its here - the nectarine tree is out in flower and my spring bulbs are up and blooming. So beautiful.

Monday 7 May 2012

New to blogging and may get this a little wrong however will give it a go.

Have been attempting to complete some Art Learning courses recently and have completed the awesome Flora Bowley e learning course which I can't say enough about. It was just an awesome experience and I still have 4 canvases to finish as and when they are ready. Flora told us that the canvas would tell us itself what to do and we had to just let ourselves be in the moment and work with it. I've done this and finished one and a half so far and am working on them as the time permits - which is not much time at all unfortunately.  Tonight I managed to finally put the first coat of Varnish on the first one.

Of course I did my usual and signed up to do a number of courses one after the other so I was just finished that and on to another two which I'm finding in themselves are teaching me so much. As much about learning to work with different and alternate mediums as anything else. Have never worked with pastels before now but find that I like the ability to work with my hands and shade with the pastel but don't like the mess --- Indian Ink also I've never worked with but am learning now. And the most wonderful Pitt Pens -- and journalling .......just beginning that and I'm finally learning to really draw and look at things properly around me. Even without a pencil I'm drawing in my head I find these days.

Oh well, thats the end of my first post.